Solutions - Community Youth Project
June 2022
We are delighted to announce we have so far secured funding towards our Community Youth Project from the following sources;
£10,000 from Awards for all (TNL Community Fund )
£5000 from Community Foundation for Calderdale
£10,000 from Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund
We are delighted that our project has been recognized by these funders and our vision is being shared by so many! We don't want this to be a short term project and our development plan is for 3 years, however our ultimate goal would be for Solutions to gain charity status in it's own right and be managed by the community!
We could not have got to this stage of the project without the continual support of everyone involved! From the very beginning in Nov 2021 when it was just a conversation to now when we are working on securing a premise! From our amazing monthly givers, to some wonderful anonymous donations, attendees giving up their time to come to our meetings and engagement days, everyone who has contributed ideas and are committed to taking this from a pipe dream to a reality!
To all the local businesses, churches, police, residents, councilors & organizations that have supported / sponsored / attended our hot dog nights / engagement days. This has given us the chance to engage with our young people, their families and residents receiving valuable feedback about what they would like to see and what's needed in our town - which has supported our funding bids. To everyone who has shared our posts and spread the word. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou to you all!
This is a really exciting time and with our partners we are working extremely hard behind the scenes so watch this space!
March 2022
Since November 2021 Bacup Family Centre has been taking part in a number of meetings under the umbrella "Solutions"
This has been a gathering of local residents, councilors, churches, local police, organizations and businesses with the aim of providing positive experiences for our young people.
From these meetings we have now decided to move forward with providing a community youth provision for Bacup and the surrounding areas.
We are looking to source a Town Centre property. A building dedicated to children and young people that will be locally managed and used by the community. Providing activities, and a safe space potentially every day of the week. Our project will build on our existing befriending and mentoring scheme; allowing young people to learn life skills, build confidence, learn to make good choices, meet new friends, and much more. Most importantly allowing our young people to be kids and have fun! The possibilities are endless!
We have a number of local people dedicated to this with between 20 & 30 people in attendance at our meetings and we are now at the stage where we are sourcing funding for rent, staffing and running costs. We are developing a 3 year plan with the vision that this will be a community led provision that will be around for many years.
So how can you help?
* Volunteering
* Fundraising
* Attending our Solutions Meetings
* Sharing your ideas - visit us or contact us via email.
* By Financial Giving - through a one off gift or a regular monthly contribution.
Your support will directly contribute to making this project a reality, help us make a difference within your community and enhance positive life experiences for our children and young people.
We are proud to be part of this project, working alongside amazing, dedicated people and organizations. We are looking forward to the future possibilities and we invite you to join us in this exciting new venture!
You can donate directly and securely through Paypal below with the reference "Solutions" or email us for details on setting up a standing order or bank transfer.
**Bacup Family Centre is a registered charity (1129644) and all monies raised for this project will be used locally for the sole purpose of Solutions Youth Provision**
As always do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like any further information about Solutions or the work of Bacup Family Centre - / 01706870683